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Study applicants
Check the visa requirements for study preparation.
Visa applicants for studies (incl. preparatory courses), seeking a study place as well as basic and advanced training can apply for their visa online through the Consular Services Portal. You can find more information here.
Alternatively, you can still hand in your visa application at the consular section of the German Embassy in Seoul with the documents listed below. Please note, however, that the available visa appointments for those categories are very limited.
- filled out and signed application form (online / PDF)
- valid passport (the original will be returned to you after application) + 2 copies of the identification pages. The passport should be valid for at least 3 month after expiring date of the visa.
- Proof of Korean residence permit (Alien Registration Card), if applicable + 2 copies of it
- two recent passport photographs, not older than 6 months( white background – 3.5 x 4.5 cm)
- confirmation of an authorisation showing that the applicant is allowed to commence a course of study in Germany (i.e. school leaving certificate, certificate showing that the applicant has passed the university entrance examination)
- Motivation letter
- Proof of private health insurance. You can use the German "incoming" health insurance. A travel insurance will not be sufficient.
- Proof of funding, e.g.:
- blocked account or
- confirmation of scholarship (at least the same amount, that is requiered for the blocked account) or
- formal obligation from Germany
- evidence of prior study performances (if any)
- proof of knowledge of teaching language or a registration for a German preparatory or intensive language course
In individual cases the submission of additional documents might be necessary.
Please note:
- Pursuing a gainful occupation is not allowed before the studies have commenced (hereby
comprised is e.g. the time needed for preparation language courses).
- In case spouses and/or children under the age of 16 wish to accompany or join the principal
visa holder please check ‚Familiy Reunion’.
- The regular visa processing time will take approximately four weeks. In individual cases the
processing time might exceed this time frame. Therefore we recommend to hand in the application as early as possible.
- After the entry with a valid visa, the applicant needs to apply for a residence permit which allows to commence studies in Germany at the responsible German aliens authority after having entered Germany. The application should be handed in before the visa has expired.
- The visa application fee is 75 Euros and is to be paid on application in cash in KRW (at current exchange rate) or with Visa/MasterCard in Euro. If the visa is refused or the application withdrawn by the applicant, the visa fee will not be reimbursed.
- There is no legal claim for the issuance of a visa, even if the documentation is complete. The decision whether a visa will be issued also depends on the approval of the local German aliens authority.
Additional content
Information in accordance with Art. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)
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