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FAQ: Scholastic education



Please take into account:

We issue visas for the purpose of scholastic education only in exceptional cases. A visa for scholastic education can only be issued from 9th grade upwards if:

  • you enrol your child at a public school or an officially recognised school with an international orientation and
  • the school is not (or not predominantly) supported by public resources and
  • the school prepares its students for international, foreign or officially recognised degrees and
  • the school leads its students on to a high school degree or a comparable degree and
  • the students are accommodated in a dormitory that is part of the school and
  • the school or another person who lives in Germany submits a Formal Obligation in accordance with section 68 of the German Residence Act.

Yes, you can fill out a form and choose a person to whom you want to give a revocable power of attorney to exercise the child's custody for a certain time periode.
To do this, both parents have to come to the Embassy in Person and present their passports, as well as a birth certificate of the child. You can get the form at the embassy.

No, this is not possible.

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